This year I’ve decided to start writing a quick summary of some of the papers and books I read. I don’t know how long this will last, but I am going to give it a try (I haven’t been reading that much lately anyway).
So, to get myself started I am going to use the first paper I have read this year: Are You Sure You Want to Use MMAP in Your Database Management System?
This year I have read/watched very few tech-related things outside of $job but I would like to share with all of you a few of the ones I’ve enjoyed the most.
As usual, the contents revolve around databases, systems engineering, cloud computing, runtimes, programming languages and low-level programming, so, if you’re not interested in any of these topics you can save some good time and stop reading here.
Tech Talks How we build Firebolt A really nice talk about how the Firebolt folks built their cloud analytical database; the talk covers different aspects of their architecture: how they used ClickHouse as their starting point, compute and storage separation, their metadata layer (based on FoundationDB ) among a few other interesting topics.