formal methods

Formal methods introduction (I)

Disclaimer: By no means, I am an expert on this topic; I would say I am a beginner on all this stuff. During my Ph.D. time (which I’ve never finished) I used some of the techniques/tools presented here trying to help me formally verify a few designs I was working on. A second attempt to take benefit of formal methods was when I tried to apply some of them during my time at one of the OSGi Alliance Experts Group, looking to formally validate the design of certain aspects in a couple of specs I was working on at that time (I never managed to make a formal proposal to the group, tho).

A few books I would like to read

I like reading, a lot, but, sadly, I don’t read as much as I used to do a few years ago (for many different reasons). However, I keep growing the list of books I’d like to read, hoping I will be able to read them at some point in the future. You’ll find a few different topics: databases, distributed systems, computer architecture, concurrency, or formal methods are some of them. Maybe you find something interesting to read.